September 29, 2010

Just playing around..

I know there is no time to play around because I still have bunch of stuff I have to do, but it's nice to just play around in my spare time (although I dont have any official spare time, I dont have any working time either).

I made my cat's outfit.
After I bought a cheap pet clothes on sale at local drug store, all my mind went to making pet clothes. ( yes, my heart goes everywhere, in every week. lol)
I downloaded a free pattern on the internet and made him a hoodie.

It turned out very cute but he didn't like the hood. He didn't mind wearing clothes though.
Mission accomplished!

My playtime is not finished.
Since I ordered some silk from India, I couldn't wait to make something!
I am going to make some headbands with the silk I bought, so I was playing around with some of my scrap fabrics I already have.
Made some rosette out of Thai silk scrap that my mother in law gave me long time ago adding a vintage button, vintage lace, Japanese chirimen leaves, silky ribbon.

Took me long time but I had fun. I really like the color scheme, pretty and gorgeous!
Now I don't know what I am gonna make with this piece.
Maybe a brooch?

September 28, 2010

Photo shoot of SaSa products

I have been having hard time taking good pictures of my products.
Although I tried bunch of times taking the same thing again and again in a different places, I only get ok pictures one out of 50 pictures....

I am so happy to be friends with Bonnie Herschmiller who is a professional photographer in Leduc, Alberta.
She is a really sweet person and she takes exact photos I wanted my products to appear in pictures.
I also have cute girl and boy models!
By the way, she is originally a wedding and baby photographer and she takes fabulous photos! I just love every effects and colors!
Here is the link to her webpage.
And here is her blog.

I always look at the photos she took and wish I would have known her when I got married and when I had babies. I always jealous of her customers. LOL

Anyways, here are SaSa's promotional photos.
Jinbei, Monkey pants, animal hats, a hair clip : everything is made by me.

Also, you can see some of the products I made for her baby sessions on her webpage and her blog.
She introduced SaSa on her blog the other day.   HERE
A big thank you to Bonnie :)
She is now offering Holiday Mini Sessions!
Prices are very affordable too :)


September 13, 2010

Fall Winter Collection

Hi there, I didn't notice how time flied quickly.. it's been long time since I last blogged here.
I have been very very busy making stuff for fall and winter and you know school started and everything.

At last Handmade Mafia, which was on last Saturday, I had so much fun.
Monkey pants seems like it's catching customer's hearts and the animal hat were also top selling items.

On the other hand, clay rose jewelries are also becoming popular items in my shop.
I fell in love with semi precious gem stones and combined them with my clay roses.
Aren't they look gorgeous?
I still like shabby and natural looking for my creations so those gem stone chips suit really nice to my style.

I also made some Halloween inspired earrings.

This orange stones are Carnelian.

This earrings are made with purple chalcedony and garnet chips.

And this one is made with red corals and garnet chips.

I will be at Little Monster's Swap Meet on this coming Saturday selling children's clothes.
I gotta make more animal hats for sure and some neck warmers and Monkey pants.

Little Monster's Swap Meet on Sep.18
TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre, 221 Campsite Road, Spruce Grove AB
Early Bird (Come first and get all the big ticket items!) $5. 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Regular $2. 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Free!!! 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.