March 17, 2011

Charity event at EJCA on March 19th

Since I saw a heart breaking news that just happened in Japan, I've been thinking what I can do to help them.
When I heard from EJCA about Hina doll festival and Sukiyaki night that will be held on March 19, Saturday, I got a good idea to collect donation.
I can sell my stuff and donate at the same time!
5 seconds after that I wrote an email to the president of EJCA and asked if there is any space I can use to sell my stuff.
She said you are so welcome to do so, and I got a space!

Here is the detailed info.

Where: EJCA    6750-88 Street Edmonton, Alberta 
When: March 19th Saturday
Time: 3pm-6pm

SaSa will be there selling handmade accessories and other stuff.
All proceeds will be donated to Earthquake and Tsunami relief in Japan.
There is also a donation box.

You can enjoy tea and sweets with beautiful Japanese hina dolls (3pm-5:30pm) too.
Please join us on this Saturday.

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